Sunday, November 30, 2014

Between Two Trees
 Down the path of life we travel With its twists and turns that are often raveled Sometimes lost along the way While waiting for the light of day Go not to the right---Nor to the left stray But continue on the straight and narrow way At the end of this path you will see A cross crystal clear between two trees Now, let it guide giving course and direction Not misleading and without misconceptions If you don’t pass the cross that you see The cross can’t be ignored that’s between two trees
The Mystery Of Pirates Cove
 In the days when pirates traveled the raging seas their occupation was stealing and killing for the riches of the cargo of others… By a ruthless reputation they put fear and trembling into all who transported their valuables by way of the sea knowing full well their safety was always at risk… Silver and gold was the esteemed commodity of the times for these hunters… They knew to acquire as much as they possibly could, by any means would place them in a position of ‘great power’… Power to rule over the weak with an iron fist and take control over the most powerful…Power was their passion… But, as time past the hunter became the hunted… The weak became strong…Mighty in numbers, once being hunted down, they assigned themselves to take back what had been stolen, and with much success they accomplished their goal… They flipped the balance of power in their favor, turned the world upside down, the powerless became the powerful…In the name of justice, the once hunted became the hunter of those who once hunted them…What was once illegal in the beginning---became legal as the form of piracy moves through the ages… Silver and gold changed its identity as it transformed into money---the pursuit for it by any means continued---the passion for it and the power it held grew even more wildly appealing, and it’s methods for acquiring the riches of other’s changed… No longer did one have to pirate his way across the raging seas to acquire as much of this new commodity as possible, and the methods used became universally accepted…So passive, so subtly were the tactics of those bound and determined for power the treasures of others are snatched away entirely unaware they have been robbed…In fact, they thought it their duty to relinquish their treasures they themselves rightfully acquired, they literally and willingly handed over what was due…A thief is a thief…Whether one is tagged a pirate or by another, no matter the fancy of it for now these sit behind desks, have computers, setting heap upon heap not rightfully gained…So large became the storehouse a guardian is assigned to keep a watchful eye on the misfortunes of others…The people gradually became hostile, questioning where and how his fortune is being used, where is it going, who will benefit??? Something needed to be done to pacify the people…Then, those that held rank of all the goods got together and the idea came for the guardian to distribute a portion back to the people as this would be an incentive for them to give up even more of what they have…And, indeed it worked as is planned--- Some will get a little of it, and become slaves for it… Some will get a lot of it, and become greedier because of it… But, a very few will gain even more of it, and become more in control all of it… This is the day of legalized piracy!!!
Martyrs Of Unshakable Faith...
These are they who are counted among the faithful and wrought righteousness. The suffering of great violence, horrendous tortures, cruel mocking and affliction. Some, slain with the sword, cut asunder, whipped, beheaded, burned alive, stoned to death, or suffering further violence if imprisoned. Some, fleeing for their lives, wander in deserts, hide in the mountains seeking refuge in caves or dens of the earth being destitute and hunted like wild beasts. These are they who will not cling to their possessions, but will cling to a single verse from the Holy Bible. Near starvation, they seek nourishment to their souls from the words of their Lord or death rather than renounce Him. These are they that risk the loss of property, family, and life at the hands of wickedness, but gain the loving hand of Jesus Christ that is not slack in taking them to their eternal home to live eternally with Him in Heaven. Their blood stains the earth of which the wickedness of this world is not worthy as even this day---more do follow and are counted among the martyrs of unshakable faith...

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


“And before Him shall be gathered all nations: and He shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth His sheep from the goats: And He shall set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats on the left. Then shall the King say unto them on His right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world…Then shall He say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels…And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal…” Matthew 25:32-34

*Are dependant upon one shepherd to lead them to water and pastures
*The shepherd protects them from wild beasts, andanoints their faces with oil when bitten by snakes
*They tend to wander off, fall into crevices and getcaught in thorn brushes
*The shepherd must leave the flock in search forthe stray
*The sheep can go for long periods without water
*They are social animals that gather their flocks
*The sheep known to be helpless, gentle creatures
Models of submission
*Demonstrated purity and trusted obedience to its shepherd
*The shepherd knows all that are of his flock by name
*The sheep know the voice of his shepherd
Those who enter into the Kingdom of God

*Known to be independent, willful, and curious creatures
*Symbolized as: Irresponsible leaders
*Leaders in mighty wickedness, headstrong, wantonness, offensive lust and foremost in sin
*Leaders of the flock are ‘chief ones of the earth’
*The rebellious and disobedient
*Those doomed for eternal punishment
*The unbelieving and doubters
*The unrighteous
Those who won’t enter into the Kingdom of God

Thursday, September 1, 2011

“The eyes of the LORD runs to and fro throughout the whole earth, to
show Himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect
toward Him…” 2 Chronicles 16:9

The Eye of the LORD is not distant…He looks on the inhabitants of the nations throughout the earth, ignighting a flame within the souls of man whose heart and mind diligently seeks Him…

The Fire of the LORD springs forth a-new within the souls of man like a secret fire---

Not of Violence
But of Restoration

The Spirit of the LORD moves upon the face of the earth, touching the souls of man like a sacred fire, caught in heaven, kindled and kept burning, to impart its fervent heat within the heart and mind of man---
Not of Wickedness, Destruction and Dishonesty
But in Reverence, Righteousness and Rebirth

The Fire of the LORD is Holy, Truth and Love

Be not deceived---for within the souls of some a ‘strange fire’ burns…He is the servant of it and enslaved by it…This strange fire fuels motives, selfish desires, empowers the imagination, and governs his beliefs set by his own standard…This strange fire rules over him, dictates to him, justifies his actions and will go to the ends of the earth convincing others to follow his cause, and will discredit any opposition as he plays by his own rules dominating over others---The whole time he spreads this strange fire where ever he goes. More can be said about this strange fire, but one thing is certain: It always starts as a subtle flame---feeding it, it progresses within the souls of man until it consumes his heart and mind, controls all his endeavors, leaving destruction in its path of heartache, addictions, broken relationships, unrest, and often times death to the himself, and or others. This strange fire is a combatant, constantly warring against the human spirit discontentment and finds no rest, no peace, destroying his prime purpose in life…The whole while the Fire of the LORD tries to reach him---Before it is to late…Let the Holy Fire of the LORD burn in your soul and consume you…It will be the greatest gift you can give yourself and a blessing to others…

(But, what is a ‘perfect heart’ quoted in the scripture??? To some when asked it is unattainable; however, think again as you read the meaning: To be complete, made ready, just, peaceable, friendly, quiet, whole…To be safe [in mind, body, estate] To be [make] completed, make amend, make an [end], finish, fill, give again, make again, [re-]pay [again], [make] to be at peace [able], perform, [make] prosper[ous], recompense, render, requite, make restitution, restore, reward…Strongs Concordance) We let the Holy Fire of the LORD burn within us to improve us, make us peaceable within, quiet, friendly [to ourselves] and to finish us to completion, To make us WHOLE…